June 13, 2003
Just Another Day

Since two of our friends treat Friday the 13th as a kind of semi-annual holiday, we thought they might find this brief history of the date interesting. Maybe you will too!

Posted by scott at June 13, 2003 09:15 AM

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Hello Scott, I have missed your writing, the tone always nears perfection. I have been somewhat obsessed by the Moon lately.
I know you realize the enormity of the knowledge the Moon presents to we humans.
We still are not completely sure how the Moon came to us. We often forget, that without it, there would be no human life on Earth.
Even it's size is critical ( about 1/4 the size of our water planet). If it was smaller, no human life. Scott, do you think we should go visit it again. Miss your kind, incisive, truthful wit. jc

Posted by: Joseph on June 14, 2003 02:58 AM
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