June 07, 2003
Weird Laws

What? Tell me these are NOT true!

It is illegal to visit a cemetery for any other reason than visiting the deceased.
It is against the law to have a bathtub inside your home. (If this one is true, then EVERYONE needs to be arrested in VA, and I would REFUSE to live in the state)

It is illegal to mispronounce the name of the state of Arkansas while within the state.
The state legislature passed a law that the Arkansas River can rise no higher than the Main Street bridge in Little Rock.

How messed up are those?!?

Posted by Ellen at June 07, 2003 06:36 PM

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weird laws..whoa i'm doing my speech on it and this is all u got byes...

Posted by: rock3rshorty05 on January 15, 2005 05:13 PM

Hopefully your english is a lot better in person.

Posted by: ellen on January 15, 2005 05:55 PM

The one about the bathtub is the weirdest one that I have ever heard. So I guess people have stand-up showers then, huh?

Posted by: Desiree on May 10, 2005 12:37 AM
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