June 03, 2003
How Many do You Remember

Test your Saturday morning 70s TV knowledge with quiz 1 and quiz 2 from funtrivia.com. I managed to get 7/10 on both.

Oh shut up, or I'll hit you with my walker.

Update: Even better, I found this set of schedules of all the Saturday morning programs during most of the 1970s. Yes kids, at one point you could show an entire network schedule on one four-row table. One of those rows was PBS!

Posted by scott at June 03, 2003 02:47 PM

eMail this entry!

better yet, you can strangle us with your kangaroo pouch

Posted by: richie on June 3, 2003 02:59 PM

Since I had nasty, mean parents that wouldn't let us watch much TV (and never on Saturday mornings), I would probably flunk. So instead of risking a hit to my self esteem, I didn't bother with the quiz.

Maybe if you can find a quiz on medical shows in the 70's (those, we were allowed to watch)

Posted by: Bogie on June 4, 2003 05:56 AM

Some of us are even too old to remember the 70's (I guess it's one of those geezer things) (shudup, you'uns, or I'll swat ya with my cane).

Posted by: Cindy on June 8, 2003 12:08 AM
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