Seems the latest smuggling trick in Sri Lanka is to swallow condoms full of gems. My mom's a jewelry freak, but I think even she would find this a bit much.
Would depend on how well I knew the smuggler. LOL
Posted by: Pat on February 25, 2003 11:52 AMWould depend on how well I knew the smuggler. LOL
Posted by: Pat on February 25, 2003 11:53 AMthis would be different than condoms/balloons full of drugs, how?
I'm not positive, but wouldn't the gems pass out on the other side (yeah, it's yucky, but still...) and not be digested/ingested into the system if the condom broke??
The drugs get ingested and usually end up killing the "mule."
Posted by: Jim S on February 25, 2003 02:58 PM