January 22, 2003
Didn't Know This was That Much of a Problem

And I thought barcoding kids was just something that happened in bad SF TV shows. As I recall, and this may not be a real recollection, my mom had a friend who had twins and was so obsessed with making sure which was which she drug my mom to the hospital for foot printing several times. Apparently the thing to do is tatoo a small dot on the heel of one of them. *shrug*

Posted by scott at January 22, 2003 07:23 PM

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I worked with a guy whose mother died in childbirth delivering twins. The mother's sister and brother took the babies and raised them. After the death of his aunt and uncle he wrote and got all the legal documents surrounding their births. Seems all his life he was called Lloyd when he was really Floyd. He and his brother decided at age 45 it really didn't matter.

I went with a friend to have dots tatooded on the heels of her identical twin daughters, she had tried different colored earrings, multiple footprinting sessions and such. She had the girls' footprints done and then the little dots placed. LOL As they got older she could tell them apart but not while they were babies.

Posted by: Pat on January 23, 2003 12:29 AM

When our twins were first born I had a terrible time telling them apart. The nurses at the hospital would hand me one of them and then enjoy a chuckle at my confusion as to which child I was holding. So after several days of uncertainty I decided to measure them and I discovered that Sarah was 1 inch longer than Zachary.

Posted by: David on January 23, 2003 11:18 AM

With names like "sarah" and "zachary" I would've figured there'd be easier ways to tell them apart ;).

Posted by: scott on January 23, 2003 11:45 AM

Yeah it got pretty obvious everytime I had to change a diaper.......

But seriously, when they had clothes on they were hard to tell apart for about 4 months. But we never considered tattoos. Fortunately for both of them, at 6 yrs old now, the difference is pretty obvious.

I did date half of a set of identical twins briefly in high school. Her Dad told me that he marked the bottom of the one childs foot with a magic marker for almost 2 years in order to tell his girls apart. Said he got a lot of strange looks from people who walked into the bathroom and found the baby shampoo, soap, powder, oil, etc. and a black magic marker all lined up on the counter.

Posted by: David on January 24, 2003 11:03 AM
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