January 21, 2003
It's all Twigs and Gravel to Me

Ellen went on this health breakfast kick once, got nothing but "natural" cereals for a solid year. One day I was out of my normal choco-covered-sugar-bombs and, for lack of anything better, decided to have some of her "Grape-Nuts" cereal. Imagine if a rock quarry sifted their gravel very, very finely, removing both the dust and anything larger than 1/8th of an inch (1-2 mm). Using these shapes for molds, imagine taking the toughest, least-tasty portions of whatever grain you have handy, milling them until they lose all nutritional value, then re-casting them using these new shapes. Now imagine pouring milk over the result and eating it. That's Grape-Nuts, the only cereal in the world that 1/2 cup of sugar won't fix.

No grapes, and not much in the way of nuts either, so I'm glad that now I know why they're called Grape-Nuts.

Posted by scott at January 21, 2003 09:09 AM

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