December 31, 2002
Stradale, Mi Amore!

Got a feeling this one might outrun my brother's Trans Am, yup! We actually knew the folks who owned a cousin to this car. It was under a cover when we visited their shop, we never knew!

Yeah yeah, I know, baby on the way, responsibility, what-are-you-thinking-young-man-time-to-get-serious.

But still, fun to dream!

Posted by scott at December 31, 2002 11:03 PM

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Well Jeff has a little one and still has two of the cars that he most wanted in the world.
Of course, one needs a frame-off and the other is the "Last of the Breed".
You can always dream.

Posted by: Cindy on December 31, 2002 11:06 PM

ooooooh, it's be-you-ti-ful.

Posted by: Pam on January 1, 2003 03:28 AM
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