Well, at least in the UK a nasty doctor can get fired. Actually, from the stories my mom (who is a critical care nurse) tells, only foolish doctors mess around with the nursing staff. Not so sure about the patients though.
I work in a teaching hospital which is a whole nuther ballgame. I work intensive care which is another whole nurther ballgame. If this doctor had pulled these stunts on us we would have handed him his head after we pulled off his ears and stuffed the up his, well his nose or other nice warm places. I wonder how long this sort of behavior was going on before someone did something about it. Most doctors learn very early on like the first two days in our unit that you don't PO the nurses who know your telephone # and will make a point to call you every 15 minutes throughout the night with any tiny little thing that happens. My personal favorite is to call all lab results in one value at a time usually 10 minutes apart. Now I am just one of four so we can keep this up for a long time. It usually takes only one night shift for the point to get through their tiny brains. LOL Moral of the story is don't PO the people who know where you sleep cause if you turn off your phone we will pound on your door. ROTF
Posted by: Pat on October 24, 2002 04:13 AM