September 18, 2002
Mini Goats and Gold Teeth and Fat Crooks, Oh My!

The crime blotter over at is particularly nice today. I've said it before: I firmly believe people turn to a life of crime because they're too stupid to do anything else.

Posted by scott at September 18, 2002 11:37 AM

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It is not the goat thieves and people who leave their IDs behind that cause multi billion dollar companies to collapse. It is the CEOs we should all fear.

Posted by: Pat on September 18, 2002 03:45 PM

yeah some thievs are a nussance and dishartening, but the real threat is when our presadent is not elected by the people but rather oppointed by a court that should have chose to not hear the issue but let the voice of the citezens be herd.
Espcially in a country whos leadres spend billions of dollars bringing democracy and freedom to the rest of the planet!!!

Posted by: Bob on September 21, 2003 06:14 AM
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