September 12, 2002
New Feature -- "Active Discussions"

You'll notice a new sidebar on the right, "Active Disucssions" (if you don't see it let me know, means there's a bug!) This will help you keep track of which stories have, well, active discussions going on. Should greatly help in finding replies to your posts on this fast-moving website.

It also finally reveals one of the really weird quirks of our site: several months ago Ellen posted a one-off quickie story about 'El Clon', a Spanish soap opera. To this day it has the highest number of comments of any story we've posted, and represents something like 50% of all search engine hits we get every month.

Special thanks to The News, Uncensored for providing me with the code for it. I'd been wanting to do something like that for months, but didn't have the stamina to push through the code to figure it out myself.

Posted by scott at September 12, 2002 08:50 AM

eMail this entry!

KEWL! I hated going through all the posts to look at the comments.

Posted by: Pat on September 12, 2002 11:47 AM
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