My little Vienna Sausage has opened his eyes. He also has the most explosive diarrhea(new food, don't worry I'm not some dumb shit that will let him dehydrate) that I have seen in a kitten compared to Coconut!. *he smells*
He has also decided that being held in the air is just not cool anymore( NO, I do not play the kitty airplane game*yeerrrooowwmm!!*). He screams when you hold him in the air now. He would rather prefer you to have him in your lap, or resting up against you.
His new formula I bought *13 bucks for a small container of it* is much easier on him. He also does not have to drink 3 bottles to feel full.
He no longer has a big belly, since he exploded last night on my nightgown at 2 am. *mustard kitten shit-NaStY!*
He should be going to his new home soon. His new mom hurt her back really bad and had to see an orthopedic surgeon this week. So I will keep you all posted.
I know it is going to be very hard to give him up since you have really been "Mom" to this little one. But you are giving him such a good start in life, he will be a wonderful pet.
Posted by: Pat on August 13, 2002 08:24 PM