July 24, 2002
One BIG D*%K!!!

This rather 'interesting' piece of art was submitted by Lynn.

You get the 'no prize' of the day!!!

Apparently, if you look at the pix close enough (don't worry, it wont poke your eye out) the guy is weighing it. Rather scary.....

Posted by Ellen at July 24, 2002 04:18 PM

eMail this entry!

I've actually seen that big penis in person. Well, the painting, that is. Don't know what I'd do if I actually saw the big schlong-wielding fella himself. Anyway, I saw it while I was in Pompei, and thought it was funny and took a million pics of the mural on the wall, to show my lil highschool friends back at home. Now, if only all men were hung like that. Hah. Eek!

Posted by: melbernai on July 25, 2002 06:14 PM

OOH! Mellie! Gotta send those to us! Ancient XXX to impress mom's dirty-old-lady nurse friends!

Posted by: scott on July 25, 2002 07:18 PM

Most of them are dirty young ladies. LOL

Posted by: Pat on July 28, 2002 10:35 AM
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