July 09, 2002

Washingtonpost.com has this cool article on fireflies. We called them "lightening bugs". It took a long time for me to see them, because where I grew up you just didn't go outside after dusk and before sunrise. The mosquitoes would almost literally carry you off. Yet another reason to dislike southeast Arkansas.

Posted by scott at July 09, 2002 07:29 AM

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When I was a kid I know, I know that was about the time of the "Boston Tea Party", we would sit in a big ole swing on my grandmother Riley's(Mom's Mom) front porch. Grandma would make ice cream, we'd take turns cranking it, and when it was finished it was just heaven. My cousins and I would wrap up in quilts, swing and watch the lightning bugs. That was when cotton was king and before all the flooded rice field where all the skiters breed. It was indeed a gentlier time.

Posted by: Pat on July 10, 2002 08:43 AM

Skeeters I believe it is the correct spelling. You know the bugs that take a vote on who gets to drag you off and drink all your blood. Horrible little bugs that fly in swarms and make life in the summertime miserable.

Posted by: Pat on July 10, 2002 08:49 PM
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