July 08, 2002
Cursing Is GOOD For You.

Scientific findings has proven that cursing is good for you. Keep cursing people! *lowers blood pressure*

Posted by Ellen at July 08, 2002 06:39 PM

eMail this entry!

If cursing lowered blood pressure Ellen would be so relaxed she'd be dead. Pat would be in a grave beside her.

I, on the other hand, am the absolute paragon of civic virtue, and simply pale at the crudity in language around this place.

So f***k off. :)

Posted by: scott on July 8, 2002 08:51 PM

You are the one who taught me all those bad words, smart ass. I never in my life used the "F" word until I started nursing school. All nurses swear like sailors,it a way of coping with doctors and patients. LOL

Posted by: Pat on July 10, 2002 08:45 AM
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