From our remote location in funny, sunny, Cincinatti (MOTTO: our bums don't have an accent)
- You get up at 7:30 am, having stayed up till 1 am
- Are hungover because people kept giving you booze because you're funny
- Hang out for two hours waiting for the computer guy to show up
- Don't remember the computer guy's phone # because it's locked in a case with the voting machine
- You can't open the box because the key is in Virginia, and you're in Cincinatti
- Stare bleary-eyed at a little old lady that just wandered into the staff office while she talks to you for twenty minutes about nothing
- Bust your rear get everything set up in a certain room because the people there must have the room ready by a certain time
- Wait two hours after that time for them to actually show up
- Put out three fires and deal with two blind, wild-eyed panics in an hour and a half
- Listen on the radio while your buddies try desperately to convince themselves they didn't throw whole boxes of important stuff away
- Tell no fewer than six people "no, registration is tomorrow... TOMMOROW... TO.. MOR.. OW.."
- Watch someone receive an e-mail that is a scanned piece of handwritten paper for a bio to be printed in a program
- Listen to a mother and son natter at each other over a public radio band
Then you must be at convention!!!
I'll have a much more detailed post later, but this should give you an idea. And my job's easy. You should see what Dana and Connie have to put up with...