June 19, 2002
New WTC Proposal

My brother sent me this link to a slick website that has an architect's proposal for the WTC complex. It's a little on the strange side in some places (sound waves repelling aircraft), but overall is pretty interesting.

I don't think it'll fly (as it were). Last I heard, NY really wants to restore some cross-town streets that were obliterated when the complex was first built, making that part of downtown much harder to get to. Sticking a building 300 feet taller than the originals in the same spot would seem to defeat this purpose.

But it is pretty to look at!

Posted by scott at June 19, 2002 09:05 AM

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Please tell me no one would approve of this design. The straight, clean elegant lines of the "Twin Tower" were such a special part of the NY skyline. I hate this frumpy design. A modern day pyramid? Yuck, but I can see by the vote on the site I am tremendously out numbered.

Posted by: Pat on June 26, 2002 01:24 AM
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