May 02, 2002
Stupid Redneck Tricks

Oh joy! Dumb people from Arkansas! Ellen will be so pleased. :)

I remember something vaguely similar happening when I was in college. A bunch of redneck college frat boys got drunk one night and decided to turn a local movie theater into a drive in. They did this by taking their 4wd pickup truck (of course) and driving it through the lobby. Through the big plate glass window-wall, around the concession stand three times, and then out the other wall and they were gone. Of course, they didn't think to bother with the security cams, so they were arrested the next day.

And then there was the time a high school athletic teacher had a party with a bunch of his high school senior students. Seems the fun game was to play real-life William Tell with a revolver and a budweiser can. As expected, the coach aimed a little too low. The thing was, you had a hard time deciding which end of the gun the moron was on.

Is it just America that has stupid people? We have the occasional international user come through here... anyone got stupid stories from around the world?

Posted by scott at May 02, 2002 01:34 PM

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Did you really have to post this? This sounds like something your dad and either one of the Hill brothers would have done. Ooops, none of them had a horse.

I am not calling your dad a stupid redneck, althought I think Hal or Dwight would have qualified.

Posted by: Pat on May 2, 2002 04:54 PM
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